.. uamd documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sat Mar 26 01:58:36 2011. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ############################################## Welcome to uamd ############################################## **uamd** is a library for detecting device via HTTP_USER_AGENT. Currently this library can detect the device listed below + DoCoMo mobile phone + KDDI mobile phone + SoftBank mobile phone + iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad + Android + Internet Explorer + Google Chrome + Firefox + Opera + Lunascape The device doesn't listed above will treat as :class:`device.DummyDevice` which will treated as device which support cookie and has no carrier (treated like as PC Browser) Getting started ============================================= If you are new to uamd, you may want to start with these documents to get you up and running .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :glob: tutorial/index tutorial/device Table of contents ============================================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :glob: uamd/* Indices and tables ============================================ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`